Are You Struggling To Hear Your Own Voice?

I’ll Help You Tell The Difference Between The Messages You’ve Internalized And Your Deepest Inner Knowing.


Western society perpetuates the mythology that we need to EARN our worthiness. 

Through being productive. 
Through accomplishments and achievements. 
Through checking things off our to-do lists.

It’s hard to set boundaries around our time and energy, so we tend to overgive and/or have a hard time saying no when others ask for something. 

We’re bombarded with so many external messages that we often lose connection with what we know to be true.

As a Psychotherapist and Coach with 20 years of experience, I help overwhelmed and overextended humans become more assertive in their communication, hold better boundaries, say nicer things to themselves, and stop overthinking everything so freaking they can move through their lives with intention, guided by their own voice rather than reacting to what EVERYONE ELSE wants

It’s time to…

Prioritize and manifest your own happiness

Create deep, fulfilling relationships in your life

Cultivate creativity and career satisfaction

Adopt loving self-care practices

Enjoy true nourishment - mind, body, and soul

Believe in your own inherent worthiness

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When we work together, you get ALL of me - all of my intention, all of my energy, all of my experience. 

I’m IN IT with you 100%.

Clients thank me for: 

  • Co-creating a safe + supportive space to practice new ways of thinking, feeling, and being + make profound changes

  • Genuine concern and the ability to be 100% present and judgment-free 

  • Asking the right questions to uncover core issues...and then reading between the lines to hear what isn’t being said

  • Infusing humor and fun into our work together...and a few well-placed F-bombs 😏


My Credentials

Training + Experience:

  • Master's degree (M.A.) in Psychology from Boston University

  • 2 years of additional training in Clinical Psychology at the Massachusetts School for Professional Psychology

  • Certification in Holistic Health Coaching from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through the International Coaching Federation (ICF)

  • 20 years helping clients through coaching and a thriving private therapy practice

I know - intimately - the demands of having big priorities...and what it takes to prioritize (and manifest) your own happiness. 

If this feels like the support you’ve been longing for, I’d love to chat.